ONPS News & Events

Good News, Everyone!

The newest
Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 22 is now available to order. Complete the online form: Order form or use the printed form in the Summer Gaillardia.

Watch archived videos, meetings and presentations, including Doug Tallamy's talk, by clicking here.

Upcoming Events and Activities

July 19 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa

Aug 16 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa

Sept 5 - Central Chapter meeting, 6:30 socializing and 7:00pm program at OCU Dawson-Loeffler Building, Room 208, OKC

Sept 9 - NE Chapter at the Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 S Peoria Ave, in the Helmerich Center. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing with the program starting at 7:00pm. The Program will be presented by Jack Titchener, who works for the Oklahoma Conservation Commission helping administer the Yard by Yard community resiliency project.

Sept 20 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa

Sept 21 - Monarchs on the Mountain, ONPN booth, Tulsa

Sept 28 - ONPN Fall Sale and workshops at the OSU Extension Center in Oklahoma City

Oct 4-6 - Save the dates for our Annual Meeting at Roman Nose State Park in conjunction with the Oklahoma Academy of Science (OAS). Watch for more information here, via email, and Facebook.

Remember to wear hiking clothes and bring water to our outdoor activities.

About ONPS

Oklahoma’s amazingly diverse flora has long been of interest to state residents. In 1987, individuals from throughout the state founded the Oklahoma Native Plant Society with the purpose to encourage the study, protection, propagation, appreciation, and use of the state’s native plants. The society’s varied activities (field trips, lectures, workshops, displays, inventories, and roadside plantings) promote an awareness and understanding of some of the state’s most valued treasures.

Botanically, Oklahoma is a remarkable state! Located at the juncture of several physiographic provinces, it is indeed an ecological crossroad. Within its borders are found ~175 families, ~870 genera, and approximately 2,600 species of vascular plants—flowering plants, conifers, ferns, horsetails, and clubmosses. This flora is a complex assemblage of plants representative of different phytogeographic regions. Species characteristic of the eastern deciduous forest and central grasslands are the most common; however, species from the Rocky Mountains, the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts, the Gulf Coastal Plain, and the Ozark Mountains also occur in the state. Fourteen different vegetation types are traditionally recognized. This tremendous diversity of plant species and communities reflects the considerable variation in the state’s climatic, physiographic, geological, and edaphic features. A plethora of different habitats for plants are present. More information about the flora of our great state can be found at the Flora of Oklahoma Project page.

The photos seen below were submitted by our members on our Facebook page. Click on the Facebook icon at the bottom of the page to see many more photos and to submit your own. Our Facebook page is a closed group, so you'll have to ask to participate in commenting.

Say Hello to our elected officers for 2023-2025.

ONPS Officers:
President: Shalini Chitturi
Vice President: Juliette Hulen
Secretary: Debbie Drinko
Treasurer: Mary Korthase
Past-President: Patrick Bell
Historian: Fran Stallings
Directors at Large: Dennis Martin, Constance Murray (2024), Nancy Truelove and Kathy Kuhns-Marino (2025), Joe Roberts and Andrea Schultz-Farriester (2026)

Central Chapter Meetings (Oklahoma City area)
Typically the 1st Thursday of every month at Oklahoma City University (OCU) campus. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing and seed swap (if you’ve got ‘em); presentations begin at 7:00pm.

NE Chapter Meetings (Tulsa and NE Oklahoma area)
1st Monday in December, March, May, and 2nd Monday in September. 6:30pm Social and 7:00pm Meeting at the Tulsa Garden Center, Ballroom, 2435 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa

Fabulous Wildflower Fridays
Join the Northeast Chapter for Fabulous Wildflower Fridays, every third Friday of each month at 5:30pm at Panera Bread at 41st Street and Hudson Avenue.

Mycology Chapter (NE to Central Oklahoma area)
Watch for impromptu field trips when the weather is just right.

ONPS Board meetings, locations vary
All are welcome to attend. Meetings are held early February, then during WOW in late Spring, and the Annual Meeting in the Fall.