The Oklahoma Native Plant Society
Our mission is to raise awareness and deepen understanding of Oklahoma’s ecosystems and to promote the preservation and propagation of our beautiful and essential native flora.
The newest Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 22 is now available to order. Complete the online form: Order form or use the printed form in the Summer Gaillardia.
Watch archived videos, meetings and presentations, including Doug Tallamy's talk, by clicking here.
T.O.N.Y. 2025 Early Sign Up!
Tour Okc Native Yards with us!
We've opened up ticket sales early this year. So Save the Date and join the ONPS for an inspiring tour of 5 Oklahoma Native Yards in NW Oklahoma City. There will be various native plant vendors at every leg of the tour and delicious local food trucks at the final stop - Rollingwood Park!
Saturday May 24, 2025 from 9:00am - 3:00pm
Tickets are $8 in advance. $10 the day of.
Wonders of Wildflowers (WOW)
May 2-4, 2025
Save the Date and join us for WOW the Wonders of Wildflowers weekend at the Selman Living Laboratory. A field research and teaching facility located in Woodward County in northwestern Oklahoma where we will have speakers, field trips, and star gazing. Watch for registration details here and in the Spring Gaillardia, coming soon.

Upcoming Events & Activities
Feb 6 - Central Chapter meeting, CANCELED , the Zach Dufran, presentation about the moths of Oklahoma and their relationships to native plants will be rescheduled for later in 2025.
Feb 21 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa
Mar 3 - NE Chapter at the Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 S Peoria Ave, back in the mansion Ballroom with an operational elevator. Madeleine McPherson from the Save Our Streams project in Tulsa will be speaking. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing with the program starting at 7:00pm.
Mar 6 - Central Chapter meeting, 6:30 socializing and 7:00pm program. Hear from the Urban Conservation and Resource Program team (sponsored by the Oklahoma County Conservation District) about their current projects supporting urban farmers, connecting with grassroots conservation organizations, and providing native plant seeds to the OKC community, at OCU Dawson-Loeffler Building, Room 208, OKC.
Mar 21 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa
Mar 29 - Spring Field Trip Season starts. Watch for details here and in the Spring Gaillardia.
Apr 10 - Central Chapter meeting, 6:30 socializing and 7:00pm program with Oklahoma artist, Katherine Hair Eagle, who will present her work which utilizes native plants as inspiration, imagery, and even medium. From paintings and prints to site specific installations, her artwork is grounded in the native flora and fauna that she grew up with. Location at OCU Dawson-Loeffler Building, Room 208, OKC.
Apr 12 - Save the date. Norman STASH event. ONPN
Apr 18 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa
May 1 - Central Chapter meeting, 6:30 socializing and 7:00pm program with Dr. Emily Geest, conservation scientist at the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden, will present about grassland butterfly conservation in prairies, gardens, and zoos. Dr. Geest will also speak about the Milkweed Headstart Lab and other ongoing conservation projects at the OKC Zoo. Location at OCU Dawson-Loeffler Building, Room 208, OKC.
May 2-4 - Wonders of Wildflowers (WOW) - This year we visit the Selman Living Laboratory (SLL), a field research and teaching facility located in Woodward County in northwestern Oklahoma. There will be speakers, field trips, and star gazing. Watch for registration details here and in the Spring Gaillardia coming soon.
May 5 - NE Chapter at the Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 S Peoria Ave, back in the mansion Ballroom with an operational elevator. Rhonda Wyatt with Natural Surroundings Land Design will be speaking. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing with the program starting at 7:00pm.
May 16 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa
May 24 - Tour Oklahoma Native Yards (T.O.N.Y.) and Plant Sale: A tour of NW OKC yards and vendors showcasing Oklahoma native plants. Sign up at here: T.O.N.Y. ***
June 7 - Plant Walk: Oklahoma River Botany. Join us for a plant walk along the Oklahoma River near downtown OKC. We will meet at 8:45am at Culture Coffee, 1029 NE 6th St, OKC, OK. At 9am, we will caravan to the river to botanize! ***
Jun 20 - Fabulous Wildflower Fridays 5:30pm casual, at Panera Bread, 5601 E 41st St, Tulsa
July 12 - Plant Walk: Plants of Arcadia Lake. We will meet at 9:00am at the Outdoor Education and Training Center, 7401-8489 E 33rd St, Edmond, OK (located on the south side of Arcadia Lake). ***
Watch here for exciting activities in 2025.
***Remember to wear hiking clothes and bring water to our outdoor activities.
Photos submitted by members of The Oklahoma Native Plant Society.

Central Chapter Meetings (Oklahoma City area)
Typically the 1st Thursday of every month at Oklahoma City University (OCU) campus. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing and seed swap (if you’ve got ‘em); presentations begin at 7:00pm.
NE Chapter Meetings (Tulsa and NE Oklahoma area)
1st Monday in December, March, May, and 2nd Monday in September. 6:30pm Social and 7:00pm Meeting at the Tulsa Garden Center, Ballroom, 2435 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa
Fabulous Wildflower Fridays
Join the Northeast Chapter for Fabulous Wildflower Fridays, every third Friday of each month at 5:30pm at Panera Bread at 41st Street and Hudson Avenue.
Mycology Chapter (NE to Central Oklahoma area)
Watch for impromptu field trips when the weather is just right.
ONPS Board meetings (locations vary)
All are welcome to attend. Meetings are held early February, then during WOW in late Spring, and the Annual Meeting in the Fall.