Native Plant and Seed Sources
Across The Prairie
Owner : Sarah Cross
Seasonal, by appointment only
All Tomorrow's Prairies
Tulsa, OK
Owner : Jordan Gee
Email : Alltomorrowsprairies@gmail.com
Instagram: @Alltomorrowsprairies
**Open by appointment**
Bustani Plant Farm
1313 E 44th Ave,
Stillwater, OK 74074
Owner : Steve Owens
Email : info@bustaniplantfarm.com
**Open seasonally**
Duck Creek Farms
Mounds, OK
Owner : Gary Schaum
Email : Duckcreekfarms@aol.com
Seasonal Plant Festivals/Sales
Saturdays at the Tulsa Farmer's Market
**Greenhouse not open to the Public**
Green Country Permaculture
Tulsa, OK
Owner : James Spicer
Johnston Seed Company
319 West Chestnut
Enid, OK
Lia's Garden at CommonWealth
1016 NW 32nd St. OKC, OK 73118
Owner : Elia Woods
Mann's Greenhouse
1218 S George Night Exprs
McAlester, OK 74501
Owner : Katie Mann Huskerson
(918) 946-1995
(580) 249-4449
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
(405) 524-1864
Thurs 4-6. Sat 10-2 in spring and fall
(405) 255-4335
Occasional Public Weekends, Festivals and Wholesale
Plant and Seed Sources
Midwest Propagation Nursery, Sefy Ponce, 13101 N. Midwest Blvd., Jones, OK 73049; (405) 990-4048;
site: https://midwestpropagationnursery.com/
Email: sefy@mwpnursery.comNative Plants, Brian Pever, 1330 NW 1st St., OKC, OK 73106; (405) 953-0033; 9-5;
site: www.nativeplantsOKC.com
email: sales@nativeplantsokc.com; #nativeplantsokcPainted Prairie Nursery LLC ; Sarah Terry, Tulsa, OK; Open by appointment only;
site: Coming soon
email: paintedprairienursery@gmail.com
Facebook: PaintedPrairieNursery
Pine Ridge Gardens, LLC ; Brent Baker, 832 Sycamore Rd., London, AR 72847; (479) 970-9143; open house and appointments only;
(moving in 2025 to 10989 Fulton Road Dardanelle, AR 72834)
site: www.pineridgegardens.com
email: office@pineridgegardens.comPrairie Wind Nursery, Bill Farris, (405) 872-6230; Festivals
site: prairiewindnursery.square.site
Facebook: Prairie Wind Nursery
email: prairiewindnursery@gmail.comSanctuary Gardens, Cedric LeBlanc, Norman, OK; (405) 480-9522; appointment and events only;
site: https://www.sanctuarygardensoklahoma.com/
email: 405gardening@gmail.comSouthwood Landscape and Garden Center, 9025 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK; (918) 299-9409; M-F, 9-6, Sat, 10-5, Winter 10-5;
site: southwoodgardencenter.com
email: hello@southwoodnursery.comSunshine Farm & Nursery, Steve Bieberich, 22523 E 1020 Road, Clinton, OK 73601; (580) 323-6259; M-F, 7-3, with after hours pickup options; Facebook: sunshinenurseryok
site: www.facebook.com/sunshinenurseryok
email: sunshinefarmtrees@gmail.comVerdant Farms, Mark and Jae Smith, Arcadia, OK; (405) 471-7797; Markets/events, call for farm appointments;
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/verdantfarmsok?mibextid=ZbWKwL
email: VerdantFarmsOK@gmail.comWild Roots, Holly Robison, Choctaw, OK; (405) 306-7624; by appointment only
Site: https://www.facebook.com/wildrootsokla?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Email: holly@circadyn.comWild Things Nursery, Marilyn and Ken Stewart, 114 Quail Run, Seminole, OK 74868; (405) 382-8540;
They do not sell directly out of their nursery but attend many herb shows and markets;
site: www.wildthingsnursery.com
email: wtnursery@yahoo.com
For Landscaping Using Natives
CLS & Associates Landscap Architects, 825 N Broadway, Suite 315, OKC, OK 73102; (405) 525-2220;
site: https://clsokc.com
email: connie@clsokc.comEarth Blooms Gardens, Morgen Van Dusen, Tulsa area; (405) 977-0719;
Facebook and Instagram: Earth Bloom Gardens
email: earthbloomgardens@gmail.comEco Landscaping, Adam Sarmiento, 730 Highland Pkwy., Norman, OK 73069; (405) 802-5922;
site: ecogardenok.com
email: adam@ecogardenok.comMindful Restoration, Quetzal Lovage, 3743 S 33rd W Ave Tulsa, Ok 74107, (918)407-2539 and (918)402-6177; No hours; will have plants in spring in addition to the landscaping and garden maintenance;
Email: bmindfulrestoration@gmail.comNew Beginnings Landscaping, LLC, Jana McCord, Blanchard, OK. Design, Installation, Consultation, and Maintenance; (405)570-5711;
Email: jmnbl2@gmail.comOklahoma Wildscapes, Lauren Kennedy, OKC Metro, (405)506-0375;
site: www.okwildscapes.com
email:okwildscapes@gmail.comPollinators + Prairies, Katie Mann Huskerson, 523 NW 20th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103; (405) 255-4335; By Appointment;
site: https://www.pollinators-and-prairies.com/
email: pollinatorsandprairies@gmail.comRose Rock Landscape & Design, Wayne and Susan Chambers, 238 East Robin Road, Midwest City, OK 73130; (405) 640-0791; Small garden design only;
email: tinroof1000@gmail.comSustainable Gardening Solutions, Matt Cronin & Chris Patton, 11508 Bel Air Pl, Oklahoma City, OK 73120,(405)888-6544; Appointments and Events Only;
site: sustainablegardensok.com
email: sustainablegardeningsolutions@gmail.comSweetleaf, 1312 NW 1st St., OKC, OK 73106; (405) 953-0033;
site: www.sweetleafokc.com
email: sales@nativeplantsokc.com; #sweetleafokc
Other resources
"Lichen Field Guide for Oklahoma and Surrounding States" released in June 2021. This is a companion book to
"Lichen Study Guide for Oklahoma and Surrounding States". You can contact Sheila Strawn at sastrawn@hotmail.com for lichen workshops, presentations, or field trips. Sheila is the author, Sarah Hearn is the illustrator. It sells for $30. Both guides can be purchased through the Botanical Research Institute of Texas at shop.brit.org