The Annual Meeting is Coming up! Click the picture on the home page to reserve your spot!!!

About ONPS

Oklahoma’s richly diverse plant life has captivated residents for generations. In 1987, passionate individuals from across the state came together to establish the Oklahoma Native Plant Society. As a community we host a wild range of engaging activities including field trips, lectures, workshops, and roadside plantings. We even established a network of growers and nurseries that specialize in cultivation of our beloved native species. The Oklahoma Native Plant Network. Through these initiatives, we aim not only to raise awareness and deepen understanding of Oklahoma’s botanical treasures, but to promote the preservation and propagation of our beautiful and essential native flora.

Botanically speaking,

Oklahoma occupies a unique ecological crossroad. Nestled at the convergence of several physiographic regions, our state boasts an impressive array of plant life. Within our borders, you’ll find approximately 2,600 species of vascular plants—encompassing flowering plants, conifers, ferns, horsetails, and clubmosses. This diverse flora represents a fascinating blend of phytogeographic regions.

While species typical of the eastern deciduous forest and central grasslands prevail. Oklahoma also hosts plants from the Rocky Mountains, the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts, the Gulf Coastal Plain, and the Ozark Mountains. Our landscape supports fourteen distinct vegetation types, each shaped by our state’s varying climate, physiography, geology, and soil conditions.

Explore the myriad habitats that nurture Oklahoma’s plant life. For more information, visit the Flora of Oklahoma Project Page.

Say Hello to our Elected Officers 2023-2025


Shalini Chitturi

Vice President

Juliette Hulen


Debbie Drinko


Mary Korthase


Patrick Bell

Directors at Large

Dennis Martin, Constance Murray (2024),

Nancy Truelove and Kathy Kuhns-Marino (2025),

Joe Roberts and Andrea Schultz-Farriester (2026)