!!! Become A Member Today !!!
Membership benefits include access to some of the state’s top botanists, guided field trips, demonstrations, lectures, Indoor Outings, Wildflower Workshops, annual meetings, all state, chapter and board meetings, and the quarterly newsletter the Gaillardia. The events are free to members or have a nominal fee. Field trips and meetings are open to members and non-members.
ONPS also annually produces the scholarly journal, Oklahoma Native Plant Record, priced at $15 per issue, plus shipping. Additional membership details can be found in the ONPS Constitution and Bylaws.
Student Membership - $10.00 annually* (free with faculty sponsorship)
Individual Membership - $20.00 annually*
Family Membership - $25.00 annually*
Lifetime Individual Membership -$300.00
Lifetime Family Membership - $350.00
*Memberships are valid for the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) for which the dues are paid.
To become a member or to renew your current membership, please complete the application below. We accept personal checks and credit cards (via PayPal).
Or save the membership form and mail with your check to: ONPS, P O Box 14274, Tulsa, OK 74159-1274
ONPS is a 501(c)3 organization and the dues are tax exempt.
The two active chapters are Northeast in Tulsa area, Central in Oklahoma City area.
The Mycology chapter State wide as an impromptu chapter.
The Cross-Timbers in Stillwater is inactive, as of Dec. 2021.