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Oklahoma Native Plant Record

The Oklahoma Native Plant Record is the official journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society and is printed annually. Submission for publication in the journal is open to all; see information below. Print copies of the most recent volume as well as digital copies from past volumes can be purchased using the online form below.

Contact Gloria Caddell, Managing Editor, at for more information.

The journal is available online through the OSU library for download by clicking here.

Order Volume 22

Volume 22 of the Oklahoma Native Plant Record has now been published. Complete the online form below and ONPS will mail your copy hot off the press.

Call for Paper, Volume 23

Oklahoma Native Plant Society announces a call for research papers regarding Oklahoma's native plant species. The Oklahoma Native Plant Record includes historical botanical research reports, current research papers, site record species lists, and descriptions of newly sighted or important species in Oklahoma. Our state's environmental gradients of climate, elevation, and human impact make the Record a prime target for research on habitat edges, species ranges, and species interactions, but articles of other themes may be included as well. Important works overlooked by journals of broader geographic regions will also be considered for publication in the Record.

If you or your students have prepared manuscripts regarding plant species in Oklahoma, botanical research unique to Oklahoma, or botanical research that is not likely to be published elsewhere because of its narrow geographic interest, please submit an abstract or manuscript for consideration.

​Manuscripts in electronic format and questions regarding manuscript submissions can be directed to the editor:

Dr. Gloria Caddell
Managing Editor
Oklahoma Native Plant Record

Editorial Policies and Practices

Oklahoma Native Plant Record is published annually by the Oklahoma Native Plant Society. Submission for publication in the journal is open to all. Manuscripts will be accepted on topics related to Oklahoma’s regional botany, including historical research reports, current research articles, site record species lists, and descriptions of new or important species sightings in Oklahoma. Oklahoma’s environmental gradients of human impact, climate, and elevation make the Record a prime target for research on habitat edges, species ranges, and edge species, but articles of other themes may be included as well. Important works overlooked by journals of broader geographic regions will also be considered for publication in the Record.

Manuscripts will be reviewed for content and appropriateness by at least two reviewers. Papers must not have been published previously or accepted for submission elsewhere and should represent research conducted in accordance with accepted procedures and scientific ethics. All authors retain copyright of their articles. Submission of the manuscript implies granting Oklahoma Native Plant Society permission to publish and copyright it as part of the journal compilation. We ask only for the right to publish articles. We do not seek to own them. In return, we require our authors to allow their work to be used freely for non-commercial purposes, allowing each individual to make, gratis, a single copy of the published manuscript whether from its print or its internet version; instructors to make, gratis, multiple copies available for non-commercial teaching purposes; and libraries to make copies available, gratis, for interlibrary loan. Authors are responsible for supplying reprints upon request.

The title page should state the affiliation and complete addresses of all authors and telephone number or email address for the corresponding author. Provide four key words not in the title. Research and technical papers should include a one-paragraph abstract of not more than 250 words. It should concisely state the goals, principal results, and major conclusions of the paper. All references, figures, and tables should be cited in the text. Site descriptions should include latitude, longitude, total area, and elevation. Measurements should be in SI units (metric). Use no headers, no footers, nor auto page numbering. Proof-read and verify taxa and taxa numbers before submission. Color photos may be submitted.

Common names should be referenced to a scientific name using nomenclature that has been revised according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information Service (ITIS) database ( Abbreviations of authorities for scientific names should follow Authors of Plant Names (Brummitt, R.K. and C.E. Powell. 1992. Richmond, Surrey, England: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew). Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated following Botanico-Peridoicum- Huntianum and its supplement, except in historic publications when original format may be used.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts to the editor as an email file attachment at the address below. Use no headers, footers, nor auto page numbering. If the manuscript is in hardcopy, it should be double-spaced on 8 ½ X 11 inch paper with minimum one-inch margins and should be submitted in duplicate. Proof-read and verify taxa numbers before submission. All submissions should preferably be received by August 1 for publication in December. Oklahoma Native Plant Record has no article process charges or article submission charges.

Gloria M. Caddell,
Managing Editor, Oklahoma Native Plant Record
Dean, College of Mathematics and Science
University of Central Oklahoma
Edmond, OK 73034